Lithuania is a business-friendly, sociable, and ideal country to pursue higher education and is a member of the EU. Lithuania is one of the best places to pursue higher education. It lays claim to an internationally recognized higher education system. It is relatively affordable. It also has many places for tourist attractions to occupy your free time. It’s a great portal to the rest of Europe. Living costs are less compared to other EU countries. So if you’re looking for an outside-the-box international study destination offering advantages compared with more conventional choices, look no further than Lithuania.
Top Universities
Vilnius University​
Mykolas Romeris University​
Lithuanian University of Health Science​
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Siauliai University
Klaipeda University
Kaunas University of Technology
Vytautas Magnus University
We’re Good with Numbers
506 +
256 +
3580 +
60 +